History of the company

Dear partners, colleagues, friends!!!

         Our company is still relatively young. One can consider the date of the 12th of July of the year 2002 as the date of its birth.
Starting from the year 2000, scientific principles of the production of our product have been received, the plans for the construction of the production have been shaped, the structure of a future company and the strategy of its development, oriented towards the market and the needs of both private customers and big agricultural enterprises, have been developed.
         In 2003 the production of the company was certified for the first time, it was permitted for application and entered the "State catalogue of pesticides and agrochemicals, permitted for application on the territory of the Russian Federation".
         All products of the company are registered and confirmed by the "Certificates ? 0449 and ? 0450 about the state registration of a pesticide and (or) an agrochemical".
         Copyright laws to the trademark are protected by the "Certificate ? 321770", registered in the State Record of Trademarks and Service Marks.
         From the date of formation of the company we move steadily and purposefully towards the chosen aim and we are proud that the present CJSC "Uralecosoil" is an up-to-date and dynamic enterprise, that is one of the largest manufacturers of agrochemicals produced on the base of humic acids in the Russian Federation.The company has brought into use an exclusive low-temperature technology of production manufacture, which makes it possible to receive an effective and biologically active product.
          Our production assortment consists of 28 items for all the categories of customers: they are both big agroholdings and agricultural enterprises and private customers represented by gardeners and truck-farmers. Establishment and sustenance of fruitful mutually advantageous relations with them is a priority of our entire activity.