About Humates
Humic acids are one of the major components of soil humus that tightly connected with sustenance of vital functions of soil bacterium, plants, animals; they provide with biovariety and maintain fertility of soil. Humic acids are the products of soil constitution processes and accumulated in it as a result of humification of plant remains.
They play an invaluable role providing increase of buffer characteristics and resistibility of soils to unfavorable impact of natural and man-caused origin.
Humates are unique natural compounds which play a fundamental role in the ecosystem ?water-soil-plant? and in the Earth biosphere. They present an essential connecting link in evolution of living and lifeless matters, a major factor of stability of life's processes. Being natural compounds, they are absolutely safe and compatible with all plant nutrients and protectants. Humates have the property of complex influencing upon normalization and stimulation exactly those processes which are hindered or blocked by ambient hostilities.
At present, Russian Federation and other countries use humic preparations quite extensively, more often in the form of salts of humic acids. Humates are widely used to increase fertility of meager soils and efficiency of the use of mineral fertilizers, to activate the growth of a plant and vital functions of soil biota.
Mechanism of positive influence of humic acids on plant's exchange processes is connected with the increase of activity of natural growth regulators - auxins and cytocinins.
Along with growth stimulating characteristics, humates improve resistance of plants to unfavorable environmental factors (heat, cold, salinization, heavy metals, radionuclides, fungous, bacterial, viral diseases).
Humates promote assimilation of mineral fertilizers from soil and prevent their migration to lower soil layers, have synergetic and antidepressing effect being used jointly with fertilizers, plant protectors and growth regulators, which results in:
- reduction of pesticides consumption,
- increase of pesticides efficiency,
- decrease of toxin contents,
- improvement of ecological cleanness of soil and products of plant cultivation,
- acceleration of plant growth and development,
- increase in productivity.